The use of crystals in the home can help balance out negative energies. Crystals vibrate at particular frequencies and if you're sensitive enough you can actually feel these vibrations when being near or holding a crystal. Crystals can be placed around the home, on your angel altar or used in meditation. When picking crystals buy the ones that you're most attracted to. Place crystals around the home focusing on 'flat' spots, perhaps places where arguments occur or rooms that feel 'unloved'. Common crystals to use are clear quartz, rose quartz, amethyst, flourite, citrine, smoky quartz and selenite. Selenite in particular is traditionally used to get in touch with angels.
Cleansing your crystals
When you buy your crystal many people will have handled it. it is a good idea to cleanse and "charge" your crystal, both when newly bought and then at regular intervals. A crystal can be cleansed by the light of the full moon or left in a bowl of water with rock salt in it. Not all crystals can be left in water, however. These are calcite, carnelian, halite, hematite, labradorite/spectrolite, lepidolite, lodestone (magnetite), mica, moldavite, opal, turquoise, ulexite, clusters of most stones. I have personally ruined a ring that had turquoise inset in it by leaving my ring on whilst washing up.
Another way of cleansing is by burying crystals in the earth but care is needed here also as they can easily be lost in the soil. If you are a Reiki practitioner you can cleanse your crystal using Reiki. You may also use a smudge stick of Cedar, sage, lavender, juniper or pine. Simply pass the crystal through the smoke at least three times and visualise the crystal clear or negative energy. Crystals may also be cleansed on large clusters of amethyst or citrine, just leave on the cluster overnight. You may just wish to hold your crystal and visualise negative energies away, perhaps by surrounding your crystal with a pure iridescent light. Do whatever feels right for you.
Once you have completed cleansing your crystal you may charge it for the purpose intended, be it healing, meditation or any other use. Hold the crystal, close your eyes, breathe deeply and give the crystal an intention for which will be its purpose.
The following posts are of a few crystals and their qualities. This is a brief list of the properties of a few crystals and what they may be used for. However, crystals affect people in different ways depending on how sensitive you are! There are many more crystals available than what I have included here. These are some of the most common crystals used.
Amber Colour; yellow, brown. Amber is a tree resin that has become fossilized. Good grounding stone. Powerful healer and cleanser especially the chakras. Alleviates stress and allows the body to heal itself.
Amethyst Colour; purple. Powerful protective stone that guards against psychic attack. Enhances meditation and spiritual awareness. Can be used to bring about restful sleep. Fades in sunlight.
Aventurine Colour; green, blue, brown, red, peach. Prosperity stone and protects against geopathic stress. Promotes compassion and empathy. Stabilises state of mind. Calms anger and promotes creativity.
Bloodstone Powerful healer traditionally believed to have mystical properties. Good grounding and protecting stone, balances the lower chakras. Calms the mind, enhances decision making.
Calcite Colour; green, blue, yellow, orange, grey, red, brown, clear. Having calcite in the room clears negative energies. Helps with higher awareness and the development of psychic abilities. Helps energy levels. Combats laziness. Enhances self trust and the ability to overcome setbacks.
Carnelian Colour; red, orange, pink, brown. Grounding stone, good for restoring vitality, motivation and creativity. Has the ability to cleanse other stones. Assists and enhances concentration and analytic abilities, gets rid of mental lethargy. Protects against anger, envy and resentment. Activates the base chakra.
Citrine colour; yellow, yellow-brown, grey brown. Energizing, creative and a crystal that never needs cleansing. Absorbs and grounds negative energy. Cleanses the chakras particularly the solar plexus and sacral, activates the crown chakra. Cleanses and balances the subtle bodies. Attracts wealth and general abundance. Makes oneself less sensitive to criticism, helps overcome fears and depression. Good “worry” stone as it gives confidence to the wearer. Fades in sunlight. Place in the wealth corner of your home, the farthest back left point from your front door or door to a room.
Fluorite Colour; clear, blue, green, purple, yellow, brown. Protects on a psychic level, stabilises and cleanses the aura. Heightens intuition, can speed up spiritual awakening and focuses the mind. Stabilises groups. Stimulates the mind and may combat narrow-mindedness. Assists with learning. Gives balance. Can be placed near computers to alleviate electro-magnetic stress.
Hematite Colour; silver, red. Grounds, protects, gets rid of negativity. Protects soul during out of body experiences. Suggested good for legal situations. Boosts self esteem and confidence. Good for getting over addictions and compulsive behaviour. Stimulates focus and concentration. Useful stone for studying technical subjects and maths. Regulates blood supply.
Jade Colour; green, orange, brown, blue, cream, lavender, red, white. Associated with the heart chakra and serenity. Believed to attract good luck and friendship. Soothes the mind and stimulates ideas. A “dream” stone and cleansing.
Jasper Colour; Red, brown, yellow, green, blue, purple. Brings tranquillity to stressful situations. Aligns the chakras and aura. Balances yin and yang. Helps with recalling dreams. Gives courage to the wearer. Stimulates the imagination. Absorbs negative energies.
Lapis Lazuli Colour; deep blue with gold flecks. Opens the third eye and throat chakras. Helps with enlightenment, spirituality, psychic ability and dreams. Releases repressed anger, aids in expressing feelings and emotions. Brings harmony to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.
Malachite Colour; green. Toxic and should only be used in its polished form. Protection stone that picks up negative energies and pollutants. Cleanse before and after use by placing on a quartz cluster. Takes up plutonium pollution and can be placed in any home near to a nuclear or radiation source. Clears and activates the chakras. Transformation stone that draws out deep feelings and breaks unwanted patterns and ties.
Moonstone Colour; white, cream, yellow, blue, green. A stone of new beginnings. Connected to the moon and intuition. Enhances unconscious thoughts and encourages lucid dreaming. Can enhance psychic abilities and develop clairvoyance. Eases stress and emotional instability.
Obsidian Colour; brown, black, blue, green, rainbow, red-black, silver, gold-sheen. Comprised of molten lava that cooled quickly. Exposes blockages and weaknesses, therefore can bring on negative emotions to the front. Can bring about past life healing. Protects and grounds, takes away spiritual influences that are negative. Clears away that which causes distress and subsequently promotes calm. Its influences can be overwhelming for some. Clean stone under running water after each use.
Quartz Powerful healing crystal due to its unique helical spiral crystalline form. Releases, absorbs, stores and regulates energy. Good for unblocking negative energy. Clear quartz is a versatile tool for healing as it works on all levels of being. Quartz enhances psychic ability and makes you spiritual purpose clear to you. Also assists you in blocking out distractions. Quartz points have various facet shapes in relation to how fast they formed.
Rose Quartz Colour; Pink. Rose quartz is associated with the heart chakra and so therefore is the stone of peace and unconditional love. It is a calming stone. It repels negative energy and attracts loving vibrations. Placed in the relationship corner of your home it will draw to you the loving relationship you need. The relationship corner is the farthest back right corner of your house or bedroom, or farthest right from the door. If you are in an existing relationship it will bring harmony and unconditional love. Rose quartz releases unexpressed emotions and makes you more receptive to love. Rose quartz will assist you in loving yourself and encourages acceptance and self forgiveness.
Selenite Colour; Pure white, orange, brown, blue, green. High vibrational crystal, works with crown and higher crown chakras bringing higher guidance and angels. A good stone for meditation or spiritual work, it will bring peace and improve telepathic skills. Selenite in the home encourages a peaceful atmosphere. Can be used for detaching entities from the aura. Spheres can be used for scrying. Clears confusion in the mind and stabilises erratic emotions.
Tigers Eye Colour; brown-yellow, pink, blue, red. Protective stone traditionally carried as a talisman, protecting against curses. Placed on the third eye it enhances psychic abilities and balances the lower chakras. Placed on sacral chakra it is good for the uncommitted or those feeling spaced out. Grounds, helps achieve goals, good for resolving inner and outer conflicts. Alleviates problems with self doubt and creativity issues. Helps lift moods and combat depression.
Tourmaline Colour; Black, brown, green, pink, red, yellow, blue, watermelon, blue-green. This stone purifies and cleanses energy, clears and balances all of the chakras and helps provide a protective shield around the body. Traditionally a shamanic stone. For healing, tourmaline wands can be used. It is suggested that it is a beneficial stone for the garden as it can act as a natural insecticide. If buried in the soil it may assist in the growth and health of crops.
It is a stone that promotes self-confidence, compassion, tolerance and prosperity. May assist in the treatment of paranoia and dyslexia, as it may improve hand to eye co-ordination. May be beneficial for emotional dysfunction which could lead to loss of libido. Balances yin – yang energy.
Turquoise Colour; green or blue. Traditionally associated with Native American cultures. A protective stone that enhances spiritual attunement and communication between spiritual and physical worlds. Gets rid of negative energy and gives protection against pollutants. Can be used to calm nerves during public speaking. Gives inner calm whilst staying alert and assists with creative expression. Good to use for panic attacks, depression and exhaustion.