Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Healing with the Angels

We all have what is called free will.The angels cannot help us unless they are asked.  According to the bible angels can only help one person at a time as they are not considered omnipresent (Dan 10:13). However, this view has now changed as it is believed that angels can help multitudes of people at the same time as they are not restricted by time and space in the same way as us mortals.

If you ask your angels for help you are not taking them away from important missions, no matter how trivial you request may be.  A good example is the "Car Parking" angel.  The next time you are going somwhere, ask your angels for a car parking space for when you get to your destination.  When I remembered, I used to ask for a car parking space for when I took my invalid mother-in-law out on Saturday afternoons in town, when car parking space would invariably by few and far between.  The majority of times a car parking space would be there on the busiest of days.

We can ask the angels for anything that is for the good of ourselves.  We cannot, however, ask the angels to interfere with other people's free will.  Nor will it work if you ask them for Saturday nights lottery numbers; it just doesn't work like that!  We can however ask for things that make our lives happy and peaceful, for things that are for the good of ourselves and others.Angels cannot be summoned to do anything that is not at one with good or God's light.  They are at the end of the day God's messengers.  Nor must we worship them; they are purely God's messengers and helpers.

Angels can be used to enhance healing work as they are there to help assist for the highest good of all.  Archangel Raphael is the angel to ask for help with healing.  His name means "God heals".  Raphael can be asked to assist in the healing of the self and others.  Again, you cannot facilitate the healing of others unless permission has been asked as this goes against free will.  If you are involved in healing work of any kind you can ask the Archangel Raphael to enhance your healing.  You can also ask Archangel Raphael for guidance before or after the healing session.

Raphael's assistance can also be asked for in helping find the right course for healers and can help in finding the right customers for healing practises. You will know if Archangel Raphael is around if you see sparkles of Emerald green light.  He can also help you open you third eye chakra (the spiritual energy centre).  Archangel Raphael also works well with Archangel Michael.

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