Monday, 30 May 2011

Archangel Metatron

The meaning of Metatron's name is unknown. He is one of only two mortals who became archangels (the other is Sandalphon). He is sometimes called the "Angel of the Presence". he is considered to be the youngest of the archangels because of his previous earthly existence, having lived his life as Enoch, a prophet and a scribe. He received "The Book of the Angel Raziel", created by the Archangel Raziel which was given to Adam, Noah, Enoch and Solomon (copies of the Book of the Angel Raziel are available and has recently been translated into English. It is said to understand the book (originally written in ancient Hebrew and Aramaic) you need to call on the help of Archangel Raziel).

For these works God escorted Enoch straight to the highest level- the Seventh Heaven - to live and work. As a result he was given a similar role in Heaven. He keeps records of everything on Earth and stores it in the Akashic Records. He acts as intermediary between Earth and Heaven, having once experienced earthly life and assisting those in their earthly existence. He is said to have a fiery and energetic energy. He assists children, helping them to develop spiritual gifts as well as helping those that have crossed over. He is motivational and strong and will assist you in making bold choices.

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